DoonyaKIDS Program
The DoonyaKids Bollywood programming uses a mindful approach to dance with the goal to associate dance, fitness, and movement with joy.
Students will learn basic South Asian-inspired routines and movements with an emphasis on developing rhythm, body coordination and control, and understanding storytelling through dance.
While the focus will be a choreographed routine in various Bollywood dance styles (from traditional to pop), other music, breathing, and mindful movement activities are included in each class. My goal as a teacher is to build your child's confidence and appreciation of what their bodies can DO, understanding of how the mind-body-breath connection allows for movement, and to feel joy in the present movement. While recitals and performances are a part of learning, my goal is to give them a tool for experiencing joy in the moment!
This eight week program will culminate in a virtual recital where each participant will perform as a group.
We are currently offering classes for the following age ranges:
- 10:15am - 10:55am - Neela (age 3-5)
- 11:00am - 11:40am - Hara (age 6-8)
- 11:45am - 12:25pm - Safed (age 5-7)
- 12:35pm - 1:20pm - Kala (age 7-9)
- 1:25pm - 2:10pm - Peela (age 10-12)
- 2:15 - 3:00 - Laal (age 12+)
About the Instructor
Teaching this program is Doonya program founder, Kajal Desai, who has been teaching kids consistently for the last 15+ years and has created a unique program in the South Asian dance education and cultural learning spaces.
Kajal's class is known to be inspiring, motivating and nurturing for students. She has the unique ability to connect with kids and build an incredible foundation in dance. In fact, some of Kajal's former students have graduated to teach Doonya's signature workout and choregraphy classes.
Class Structure
The Doonya Kids curriculum is created based on mindfulness principles with the focus on the joy of moving in the moment. All classes will follow this same basic format though there may be small changes from week to week:
- Namaste
- Breathing and/or mindful grounding exercise
- Stretch to awaken the body (e.g., Surya Namaskar)
- Dance warm-up and basic step review
- Choreography
- *Younger Kids* - Dance game (freeze dance, pass the move, follow the leader, etc)
- Cool Down, final breathing, and Namaste
Total: $170 for the 10-class session
DoonyaKids is offered as a series only.
Payment will be made via registration process. Below are your three payment options:
Check/Cash at first class
Sept 17 - Dec 10
Important Dates:
- Oct 22 - No Class
- Nov 12 - No Class
- Nov 26 - No Class
6th Position Dance Studio
10371 Stella Link Rd, Houston, TX 77025